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Prior to attending an ‘in person’ training with Dr. Eric Pearl in Melbourne 2019, I had worked as a holistic healer and teacher for over 20 years.
My personal experience with the Reconnective Healing frequencies during that training was quite profound and life-changing. I knew immediately that this was the work I was meant to be doing from now on.
As a result of this realization, I became a Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner and a Reconnection Certified Practitioner.
These frequencies have a wider bandwidth of energy flow and I consider them to be an upgrade to the energy healing work I had offered in the past.
Reconnective Healing Frequencies create a coherent state in your energy field, which then translates to greater harmony in your mind, body and spirit.
My clients have benefited greatly from Reconnective Healing Sessions. Some have reported feeling relief from physical pain and injuries. Others have felt inner peace, more clarity, a connection with their inner guidance and life purpose.
I offer Reconnective Healing ‘in person’ and via Distance Healing.
If you would like to experience these frequencies for yourself, I would encourage you to book a session with me today.



Reconnective Healing
Fee per Reconnective Healing Session
What is your monetary currency?
Australian Dollars
*Reconnective Healing and The Personal Reconnection are two different services. While each practitioner sets their own fee for a Reconnective Healing session, The Personal Reconnection is always $333 USD or its exact monetary value in the local currency.


English, Greek

Contact Information

Yarra Junction Victoria, Australia
Phone Number