About Us
Dr. Eric Pearl, Jillian Fleer and their team serve to connect humanity with the Intelligence of the Reconnective Healing® frequencies, to make infinite healing and evolution fully accessible, transparent and easily learned by everyone.

Dr. Eric Pearl ran a chiropractic practice in Los Angeles before discovering Reconnective Healing®. One day, his patients began to report healings when he simply held his hands near them, without him physically touching them. So, he went in search of the universal wisdom behind what was happening. Unlike today’s known forms of Energy Healing, this work can be practiced without complex techniques or elaborate rituals. Through Dr. Pearl’s journey of…

Jillian Fleer is the Head of Insight and Development. In collaboration with Dr. Eric Pearl, she oversees the direction and vision for The Reconnection and the Reconnective Healing global community. Jillian leads The Reconnection’s internal team and is co-instructor with Eric for online and worldwide live programs. With the support of Reconnective Healing Academy, and the international team of instructors, they have established…