The Myth of the “Special” Healer: Embracing Our Super-Natural Selves
Recognizing Our Inherent Healing Power
Have you ever caught yourself thinking that others are more special, more divine, or somehow more capable of healing than you are? Those mystical beings who seem to have been touched by the divine, walking around with a halo of healing powers? It’s time to bust that myth wide open. Let’s chat about how we are all equally special and inherently super-natural—meaning, we are truly natural healers.
We live in a world where the belief that some people are more special than others creates unnecessary division and conflict.
Some bury their hurt deeply. Others become resigned to being “non-special”. And still others become highly competitive. It’s like we’re all running a race, but some of us are convinced that the others have secret jetpacks hidden under their jackets.

Pursuing our uniqueness creates unnecessary conflict and division.
Here are a few conflicts this belief can create:
1. Self-Doubt
Constantly comparing ourselves to others can make us doubt our own abilities and worth. It’s like being a carrot in a world of rainbow carrots, thinking you’re just a boring old orange when, in fact, you’re a classic.
2. Jealousy
Believing that others are more special can breed jealousy. It’s like watching someone eat the last piece of chocolate cake while you’re stuck with a celery stick.
3. Isolation
This mindset can make us feel isolated, as if we’re not part of the “special” club. But guess what? There is no club. Or if there is, it’s one of those clubs where everyone is already a member, like the jelly-of-the-month club.
4. Lost Potential
This belief can stop us from exploring our own potential because we’re too busy admiring someone else’s. It’s like being a superhero who never uses their powers because they’re convinced they’re just the sidekick.
Now, let’s talk about how Reconnective Healing® comes into play. This isn’t just some mystical mumbo jumbo—it’s about recognizing our true essence and our infinite selves. We are all one with everyone and everything. It’s like realizing we’re all part of the same cosmic soup, not just a bunch of random croutons floating around.

We often believe only some people can be healers, when if fact, we are all born healers.
Reconnective Healing® helps us tap into a comprehensive bandwidth of Energy, Light & Information®, allowing us to connect directly with these frequencies. And here’s the kicker: it’s not about becoming a healer; it’s about recognizing that we already are one. We’re not conduits; we’re catalysts. It’s like being the spark that lights the fire, not just the matchstick.
By embracing Reconnective Healing®, we can see past the illusion of individual “specialness” and recognize the oneness that connects us all. We start to understand that our natural state is one of infinite potential and inherent healing power. Imagine everyone walking around with invisible superhero capes—because, in a way, we all are.

Reconnective Healing® helps us become aware of our Oneness.
So, the next time you catch yourself thinking someone else is more special or more capable of healing, remember that we’re all in this together. We’re all born healers, and our true essence is one of infinite potential. Now, go out there and embrace your super-natural self. And don’t forget to have a little fun along the way—after all, even superheroes need a good laugh!